Friday, January 31, 2014

CNY 2014

Hihi! Happy Lunar New Year! Very busy recently with school and work. School assignment is way too much. LOL or maybe im just so not used to assignment. Because of school, i've to arranged my roster and ended up i've to work on CNY eve. Sister is kind enough to give me morning shift so that i could have my reunion dinner with family. <3

As usual, reunion dinner at home with family. Steamboat + the grill thingy. Trying my best to stay awake for the night for the traditional thing which people said that kids should stay awake in the night till dawn and this will help their parents to live longer. It called "守夜". But i woke up at 5.30am on CNY eve for work. I SRSLY CANT STAY AWAKE! hahahah! it's miracle that i can last till 12mn. LOL.

As usual, uncle'hse then go home and rot. HAHHAHA! Went to watch The Lion Men with dad and mum for night movie. I think i preferred ABTM. TLM is kind of boring, just that it's filled with lots of laughter. If i know there is part 2 for TLM i may not have choose to watch this movie. =.="



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Last minute shopping for CNY clothing!

Went for CNY clothes shopping! And guess what?! i BOUGHT a dress at ONLY 5 BUCKS! And yes! 5 BUCKS! Srsly, i didnt even see if i can fit and i went ahead and bought it! LOL! i tried the dress upon reaching home and damn it! I macham look like a clubber and the dress is like stick to my body. No shape still wear this kind of dress. I DARE NOT! OMGGG.

Bought another two dress which i'm quite satisfied with! Total spend 45 bucks! YAY! If only bkk is peaceful now, i guessed spending 45SGD there i can buy like 4 to 5 dress?! LOL! oHHYA! My friend and i walked pass this shopping mall which is decorated with those awesome stuffs and it look pretty! The shopping mall was just beside far east!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Livecourse @ suntec convention 18 Jan

Being able to attend this event was rather cool! It's like being able to see the interventionist do the procedure LIVE over broadcast from different country, at the same time with other drs given suggestion on how they think the angiogram should be done.

After the event, went to celebrate Xb birthdayy!! =DD Going around looking for birthday treats was our aim. But ended up at the steamboat shop at the bugis area. LOL!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

We, humans take things for granted

Covering two topics today...
1) Cancer
As above, we humans take things for granted. This sentence came into my mind when my lecturer actually said these: "You guys should be thankful that you all can pass out air, pass motion and etc". There are people who actually envy in such actions as due to illness they are unable to do so.

These are things that we don't appreciate and not realizing how impt it is. Colorectal Cancer being the number one cancer in Singapore maybe one of the illness that actually take away our ability in the above actions. So do watch out for signs and symptoms such as Per rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, change of bowel habit, abdominal bloating and nausea and vomiting. May everyone stay healthy! =))

2) University
Alright~ Rather long-winded eh. LOL. i don't know if i should be happy or what?! I'm like going to start school in like a wk time?! The last time since i'm in school was two years ago! TWO YEARS! And as usual, class = sleep. This habit definitely have to change! I'm not sure if i'm able to do it. But i will try. LOL!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Year 2013~ And the START of 2014

In the year of 2013... what have i achieved? LOL. This qn came into my mind randomly on some other day. And I realized i didn't achieve anything in 2013. How shld i define achievement? 

I guessed the only achievement i had for the year 2013 is that i got promoted? LOL. But is like somewhat auto-promotion eh. >.< Consider achievement not?! But i enjoyed myself in the year 2013 very much!! Travelling to BKK during may and oct. Malaysia's Malacca and Ipoh during sept! LOLOL. And not forgetting my pathetic 3D2N Taipei trip during dec! <3 I'll have no time for travelling this year as my school started! =(( Jacqueline is going back to SCHOOL!! 

Chill out with Lihan on a random day where HW choose to pangseh us. LOLOL! No la, cannot like that say him. We gave him the permission to ps us actually. He was meeting his friends before meeting us and he spent like only half and hr with them?! And dinner with us. SO NICE AH? But being really nice of us, after dinner, we tell him to go back to his friends since he already spent 2hrs with us. LOL. Chit chat session with LH till 11 plus, hope she will feel better and will just hack care about those unhappy stuff. 


Meetup with Ming &Yvonne on Sunday at Westgate. It's their first time going westgate and they seems to like it very much! Pretty much things to shop. And i had the MOST EXPENSIVE CHICKEN RICE EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE AT A COFFEESHOP. FML! We went to food republic @ westgate thinking to have something light for teabreak. But this Chicken/Duck rice stall attracted me so much that i actually bought A SET which consists of Charsiew+Chicken+Rice+A bowl of soup with wantons. I basically got a shocked when that man told me $9.50. O_O My fault for not asking the price before ordering. HAHAHA!

I started eating this $9.50 set already. Eat till my heartache. =(( No doubt the wantons is alot but $9.50...
First outing of the Year 2014! =))

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

Hihi! Happy New Year! I know I was a bit late for the wishes. Hahah! Nevertheless I'm still here to update my blog.

Alright~ Xmas is over. Celebration? Yes, we did a gift exchange only after Xmas! Hahahah! Meet up w besties at Westgate/Jem for dinner! And we said that it's our last grp outing of the year 2013. Sound sad uh. Out of a sudden it's all became "last outing, last meal and etc" LOL. 

What I did for New year countdown. Usually, I'll stay home with parents and we had our countdown done by watching tv? LOL. But this time round my friend asked me out for a dinner and actually I thought oh well, just a dinner. Ended up at her house for countdown. Rather slience countdown but at least kept her company before any of her family members reached home. 

A conversation between my cousin and I.
Cousin: I heard whoever u spent ur countdown with, means u going to be with the person 1314 (forever).
Me: huh! (At the same time, telling my friend what my cousin said) But my friend said, that only meant to ppl who have eyes contact at 12 sharp.
Cousin: Oh no! I was looking at mirror just now! 

Last photo of year 2013

First photo of year 2014