Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spending my off day to the fullest!

I've a date with my mum on a random day! Pretty interesting mummy who actually came to me and say: "let's go Gardens By the Bay! I've yet to go!" So of cos, not to disappoint her, we went! HAHAHHAH!
=.=" Huge eyebags!

Then... the next time, she came to me: "Lets go JB for seafood!" And i was like what?! You serious?! And so we went... LOL! I actually went to google and see where can we have seafood lunch in JB and DA RANG! i FOUND THIS! Hiang Kee Seafood Restaurant (Malaysia, Johor Bahru) located at Jalan Keris, Taman Sri Tebrau (Hawker Centre) 80500 Johor Bahru, Malaysia. So i actually SS the address and map in my phone and upon reaching JB, i wanted to show that driver and guess what?! He wanted to hold on to my phone and see the photo clearly and the thing is, this action was done over the window of his cab. In my heart, i was like if i let go of my hands, i think the driver may have just drive away with it?! HOW?! he didnt seems to want to let go either! So... eventually, i let go. AND THANKS GOD. He didnt drive off with it! And offer a price at 10RM to the place, tried to bargain but fail. So yes. We took his cab. LOL!

This is how the surrounding look like... 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fat die me! First day of AL @ 1 market!

Even since school started, i've yet to really enjoy myself. Even now! Like my annual leave, i need to stay home to complete my assignment! I swear i used to think that studying is just go school only what. Shouldnt be a problem! I was so wrong! I totally forget about HOMEWORK! ASSIGNMENTS! so yea! Keep that in mind if u wan to study part time and work full time!

Anyway! Back to the topic! Buffet with colleague at Plaza Sing. Spent like $30/pax on a buffet lunch. I won't say it really worth the money of eating it. Or maybe i'm just too picky on food that i actually didn't eat most of it. Definitely didnt worth $30! HAHHAHAH! But nevertheless, we enjoyed each other companions.

I bake a cake today!

It's my daddy birthday! And i spent my whole day baking a rather kiddish cake but i did my best alrdy uh! It's my first time baking a real birthday cake! And i believed the next time will be much better! HAHAHAH! But nevertheless, my dad LOVE IT! He even took a selfie with it though i dont have it with me. HAHAHHA! He is a pretty cute daddy and entertain our whole family. Happy Birthday Daddy!

Went for Dim Sum breakfast today as a celebration of Daddy's Birthday! YUM CHA AT CHINATOWN! First time going there actually. Food there was rather nice and i think all of us enjoyed but !!! It's so expensive! Definitely worth going!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I hate school work!

I'm damn busy recently like srsly! I hate it! Mon and tue went for class after work and i was pretty sleepy in class, spending money to get myself so tired just for a cert. But i need it eh! Haiis. LIFE! Lots of assignment due on Sunday 9/2/14 which is today! And i've test tmr, not a test for my degree but work. I've course on Tuesday which i've to study beforehand of the course to get the cert as well. AHHHHHHHHHHHH~

Though i am like so busy, but what they said was work-life balance. So i promised my friend to accompany her to support her friend for the lion men promo at thomson plaza ytd. Since we are there, i was hoping to see Charlie Goh. LOL! But he wasn't there! HAHAHAH! So basically i went there just to accompany my friend, she chase, i chase, she run, i run. She squeeze into the crowd, i move away from the crowd. LOL. Finally the whole event ended at around 4 plus! AND IT'S MEAL TIME! <3 Walked to upper thomson for meal! Some photos to share. I'm to lazy to edit it, so pls pardon me. =((

I was there okayy! LOL

Saturday, February 1, 2014

CNY Day 2

Nothing much to say about. Same as others i guessed. House visiting! Yup! And that's it for the day! Just here to share some photos!


My retarded photos - camwhore. LOL