Saturday, June 29, 2013

Always a fans of DERRICK HOH!

It's almost 3 years since i'm really into Derrick Hoh! Been to most of his events. After school, during weekend, after attachment, after work, on my off day, trying my very best to go to every event of his! Missed a few this year, especially the recent one. I was in BKK, if not i'm working. Not able to change shift, too last minute! =((

Most unforgettable - 5.8.11 变化- 每时每刻庆功改版
My exam and Derrick Hoh Autograph Session falls on the same day! I finished my paper as soon as i can, if i didn't remember wrongly, paper should end at 7pm, i left at 6.30pm after i checked through my paper! And thanks to my supportive daddy who came all the way down to school and pick me up and drive me to A/S venue! I'M ON TIME FOR THE 7PM A/S! <3 Thanks daddy! =DD

Just feel like sharing some photos of every event! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Bonuses & What happen in JE!

1) Bonus
My first time receiving bonus in my entire 21 years of life! <3
Even though, it's not a huge sum or so. BUT IM VERY HAPPY! It's a bonus that based on performance, receiving it makes me think that i didn't work hard for nth! =P

However, i think human are greedy yea?! When we have this, we hope for more! When we have a dollar to buy a cone ice cream, we hope to have another dollar to buy sundaes ice cream. LOL!

Treating my family a simple meal! Tze Char! SUPERB NICE!
2) Jurong East
Anyway i realized something, ever since JEM (Jurong East Mall?) open, Jurong East is always flooded with people! Happened to be at Jurong East on a weekend! OMG! Shuttle bus to IMM queue was SO LONG that it's almost reach the front door of JCUBE! IS SO CROWDED EVERYWHERE! IMM, JCUBE & JEM! To avoid the queue for the shuttle bus to IMM, i took bus 52! =PP Paying a bit more, to get a seat, comfortably reached IMM. I think most Singaporean wont mind doing that. << TYPICAL Singaporean.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


1) Family
I've a supportive family which help to cheer me up and counselled me, telling me, everything will be fine. Complain is very common in Singapore! i feel so much better after hearing their words. To be honest, i think i think too much yesterday and making me feel awful. Hopefully tomorrow will be fine! I've phobia in my job scope now. =((

I LOVE THEM! Photo of 2010

2) Randyys & Typicalben
Anyway recently, i'm addicted to randdys & typicalben's video which is their BenRanAway! Superb cute! =))

IN LOVE WITH THIS VIDEO. WHEN IM UPSET BY YESTERDAY incident, i watched this video over and over again. I laughed from the bottom of my heart! <3 They are cute right!? IKR!

3) Mcdonald Hello Kitty Plush toys
People in Singapore are once again crazy over Mc Hello Kitty! REAL LONG Q outside mac on 26/6/13 waiting for 27/6/13 to get the last hello kitty to get a complete set. And these kitty are HIGHLY IN DEMAND in facebook and ebay! One kitty for $50 - $100! SRSLY! I bet people Q for the sake of selling the kitty to earn some money! SEEMS like people in Singapore really like Hello Kitty from Mcdonald like what happened in year 2000. IMAGINE 1 KITTY @ $50! 10 it will be $500! WAH! Big money! LOL! But im not that free to Q in the middle of the night just for these hello kitty plush toys! I guess is illegal selling too? LOL

LOL! SRSLY- Business opportunity are really fully utilized by people in Singapore. =.="

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'm sad

Today is a REAL BAD DAY! Maybe i really don't suit my job, maybe is really time for me to quit, maybe i really have this bad luck thing on me. MAYBE. MAYBE. MAYBE.

Sometime, i think people are being too much, are being too demanding. They expect people to understand what are they thinking of, and have high expectation on others. IT'S WAY RIDICULOUS. i admit that im at fault for not doing what i should have done. I apologized. I'm very sure that i'm going to get scolding from my superior soon. WHAT TO DO? I'M JUST NOBODY.

I'm sad. But things wont change. I gave up. IT'S USELESS.

I've no mood to go out with my colleagues. But it was a promise that i gave days before. SO we went out for Korean BBQ at Oriental Plaza at Chinatown there. We paid $28nett/pax. I gobble down lots of food, hoping to forget what happen during work. Trying to relieve my stress by eating. But it's unworkable.

 I laughed. I smile. I joke. But deep inside me. I'm crying silently. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hailstone In SINGAPORE

I heard it was a super heavy rain, whereas lots of trees topple over the road. BUT I MISSED IT EVEN THOUGH I WAS AT JURONG POINT at that point of time! =((

Was doing some shopping with my attachment mate Lihan! <3 We have nvr been in a same class during our poly life but we behaved like bff! =PP

Found this video! From Youtube!

Or maybe at that point of time i was having my lunch @ AOne Claypot House! LOL! I've ordered chicken claypot rice for myself, and Lihan got herself a claypot horfun. We shared their Famous minced meat Egg Tofu and Claypot Sesame chicken.

Rating forAOne Claypot House @ JP
Ambient - 8/10 (Red and yellowish brown theme, big enough, nice)
Food - 8/10 ( Sesame chicken is a little salty w/o rice, Egg tofu doesnt look like the one in the menu :P)
Service - 7/10 ( We have to loiter outside the shop before they came forward to serve us)
Will you recommend your friends to dine in here? Yes. I will, a lot of varieties of food, i have yet try their "caipu" egg and tomyam soup! =DD

Monday, June 24, 2013

She just brighten my day

It was a busy day today at work. I am very glad to know this ah ma. She is really cute. Maybe i should describe how she actually look like first, to let you guys have some idea. LOL!

She is plump, had a curly shoulder-length hair, very round eyes and she is always smiling. The way she speak, is cute too. She basically just brighten my day. And she is 74yrs old. =DD

She knew we don't provide coffee, so she brought her 3 in 1 coffee powder and ask me for a favor to get her some hot water. She said: " a day w/o coffee is difficult for her, i know you all don't provide coffee here! SO I BROUGHT MINE ALONG!" - And she laughed. LOL!

Whereas, another auntie beside her seem moody, going up to the auntie and talk to her. Trying to make her feel better. I said this :"开心也是过一天。。。“ And this cute ah ma continued my sentence: "不开心也是过一天,到不如开开心心的。。要什么叫孩子买就可以了!" Arent she cute?! <3

Saturday, June 22, 2013


1. PSI
Recent PSI is haywire. THE HIGHEST IT WENT UP TO 401! Believed it or not?! 401 PSI i was on my way to work! Even a healthy people like me have difficulty in breathing w/o a mask. I felt my throat are getting dry. This lead to MASK IS NO LONGER A WANT BUT A NEED.

2. N95
YES! MASK IS A NEED NOW! HOWEVER, N95 MASK IS OOS EVERYWHERE!  And guess what?! People are earning evil money by jacking up the price of n95 masks! I've checked with SGH retail pharmacy regarding the cost of n95. A box of 20 should cost ard SGD 48-49! However, i've see black market selling it at SGD 3- 4/mask! SERIOUSLY! THIS IS INSANE! AND PRETTY RIDICULOUS! WHY ARE PEOPLE EARNING SUCH MONEY?!

3M N95

I've ordered a box of n95 mask from supplier, but i don't need 20 of it, of cos! Willing to sell separately @ it's original price. =) Email me if keen! Let hope that this haze will be OUT OF SINGAPORE soon!

Drink loads of water and take care! =DD

Friday, June 21, 2013

Haze today in Singapore

Due to Indonesia fires, our hazy problem are getting worst!
371 PSI! WOW! Every time we wanted to break record and dang rang~ WE BROKE IT!
Masks are OOS everywhere~ OMGGGGGGG~

When it's clear, i see reservoir, when it's hazy, i see nth but haze. LOL!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


JEM! Finally! Went there with Joey! Been wanting to go since it open. =DD
I would said it's a place with lots of shops, a nice place to shop and eat. LOL! We had our meal at Sushi Tei as Joey have craving for Jap food. LOL! Next time i would like to go to the Lee's taiwan food. LOL! Seem nice. Handsome guys there too! LOLOL!

To be honest, i prefer HOSHI much more than Sushi Tei. I seldom eat Jap food, only when i worked in Hoshi during school time. Their yakiniku is freaking awesome as well as their buta shoga! I'll nvr forget the taste. Tried Sushi Tei's yakiniku =.=" nth special unlike HOSHI! ❤❤ But that was years ago, donno how it taste like now, hope their standard remains! =DD



Watch Man of Steel at Bugis! I like this movie. It's nice, i like the storyline =DD
Thanks to company. It's a free movie treat with drinks and tidbits! 
TO those who know what i works as, it's the safest movie ever uhh!


Contact lens for eyelookgood!

As i've astigmatism, buying coloured contact lens arent easy! BUT I FOUND THIS! From EYELOOKGOOD! A toric contact lens with degree! =DD

I bought this ColourVUE Toric contact lens @ $93 for a pair with registered mail. I emailed them regarding what axis should i buy as my axis is 10 and available lens are 90 or 180. I got a promptly reply from them with an answer. So i decided to go ahead and buy it though it's consider expensive for coloured lens. BUT THIS IS THE ONLY TORIC LENS i could find! LOL.

ColourVue Toric 
Base Curve - 8.6
Axis - 90, 180
Diameter - 14mm
Colour - Gorgeous Gray (the only colour)

I ordered on monday and i got it today! FAST! i like! =DD
Contact lens are comfortable and nice, look natural and gave my eyes slight enlargement. =D

After wearing the contact lens

They packed it nicely in a cardbox =))

*Edited* Contact lens did not last me for 3 months. After a month or so, upon wearing it, there was this burning sensation to my eyes that cause my eyes to turn red immediately, and non-stop tearing. Eyes was alright after the removal of contacts. Not sure what is the reasons that cause the red eyes. So $93 for 1 month. Definitely is a NO. NOT BUYING ANYMORE. =P 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dinner @ His.Tori

Wanted to go Swee Choon to celebrate my friend birthday! LOL! Been wanting to go Swee Choon. Train to Little India and when i googled, i realised Swee Choon closed on tue. =((

Last minute decision! We decided to go 2D1N korean bbq at TanJong Pagar for dinner! As usual, CROWDED. Wrote my name in the list and we walked further down the street.

WE SAW HIS.TORI! Korean Bbq, someone blog about this shop before!
Waiter or maybe the boss? was very pro-active in giving intro of their food!
He said these: "It's only $24.90NETT with free flow of icecream and soft drinks, we have 9 diff kind of chicken, and we have lots of other meat such as pork and beef."

HIS "FREE FLOW OF ICECREAM" attracted me! Walk in! Take a look! Table for 4 pls! LOL!



They have 6 flavour of icecream available! And also a bottle of chocolate syrup ( free flow) for the pudding. I've my icecream with that chocolate syrup! AWESOMEEEEEEEEE!❤❤ 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Car Broke down on highway

It's just like an usual day today. Dad will pick me and my mum up after work. Things went wrong today! On the way home, our car broke down on the highway! =(( AND IT'S REALLY LIKE A DRAMA!

Car broke down, after awhile, it started to rain. My mum and i have to walk to the nearest bus stop under the heay rain. =.=" No taxi stop on highway yea? LOL! Dad have to wait for the tow truck. WHat A DAY?! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!? LOL! JOKE MAX.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's day Celebration

Wanted to go Swee Choon for Father's day celebration. But the Q was extremely long! =((
We ended up in OLD AIRPORT ROAD HAWKER! i MISSED THIS PLACE! ❤ My parents used to bring me here when i was young for supper. =PP

Ordered quite numbers of dishes from different stalls!
1) Grilled chicken wing (The store which have outlet at chompchomp)
2) Oyster egg ❤
3) Char Kway Teow
4) Chicken chop - SUPERB NICE! Forget the name of the stall. Smth western i think. beside the oyster egg stall
5) Sweet & sour pork
6) Sambal KangKong
7) Claypot tofu
8) Chilled beancurd (Happy Boy Soya Bean) - 1 for 1. i took the durian one. NICEEE!

Chocolate eclairs by Jacqq

I fail! My elcairs fail on me! Got the recipe from Easycooking! I'm just not good in baking =((

The custard that i made was way too watery. The Choux buns are way too hard! Maybe plain flour will be better? LOL!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tom Yum Soup by Jacqq! ❤

YES YES! TOM YUM SOUP BY ME! I brought this tom yum paste all the way back from Bangkok! =PP

20Baht i think! LOL! Went to bkk supermarket. =P:

Strongly recommend this brand tom yum paste! TASTE SUPERB! ❤

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Late Birthday Celebration with Esther! ❤

It's Wednesday night. Meet up with Poly clique and have dinner at VIVO - The Soup Restaurant.
Been wanting to meal in this restaurant for quite sometime. Food are within expectation. But the signature dish, Samsui Ginger Chicken was served cold (Maybe this is why it's so special?) i personally think that this dish taste OK. But seems like lot others like this. =D

OHYA! They have this promotion from may to june 2013. Flash your NTUC card and enjoy a dish at ONLY $1 WITH MIN. 3 DISHES ORDERED! :O

I like their sweet and sour pork!

As i always said, the night is still young~ PH for the night with my girls! ❤❤

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sembawang Shopping Centre.

We are the nothing better to do family! LOLOL! My mum wanted to go daiso whereby our nearest Daiso outlet is IMM! But we travel all the way to Sembawang Shopping Centre! Nothing much in the shopping centre =(( Dinner at the foodcourt!

WE CAME ALL THE WAY HERE FOR THIS =.=" look nice yea? IKR!

Jeremy's son 1yr old party + house warming!

Its been quite a long time since i last met with Jeremy. Meet with Chee Leng at woodlands and head towards Jeremy's hse together as he only invited two of us from Hoshi. Jeremy's hse was really nice. Nice renovation =DD

They have ordered their buffet from stamford catering, to be honest. i Dont really like stamford catering's food. Their fish and chicken was too dry. Noodles as well. Tofu a little tasteless. LOL! BUT THEIR PRESENTATION IS GOOD.

Rating Food - 5/10
Presentation - 8.9/10
SAD TO SAY, ILL BE USING THIS CATERING FOR MY 21ST BDAY. i've booked chalet at downtown and im inviting my muslim friend. And downtown assigned HALAL catering is ONLY stamford. =(( Hopefully by then their food standard can improve! =

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bangkok LAST DAY!

Reached hotel at only around 4am?! Changed and sleep immediately. Buaysai! Gonna drunk alrdy! LOL!
i'm not good in drinking (Guai Kia number 1) =PP

Wake up at around 8am, last day!! Last min shopping at pratunam market! Honestly speaking, i didnt buy a lot of thing during this trip. LOL! I wonder what am i thinking >.< Checkout from hotel at 11am and continue shopping till 4pm! I regret not going for foot massage on the last day! =((


Bangkok Day 5 (28 May)

A day in MBK, SIAM, Siam night market and Funky villa!

MBK for food goodies to bring back to SG! lol! i bought my SIM CARD that cost 299 baht which consist of ONLY 55 baht in card but 1.5baht/min to call back to SG. Rather worth as my parents ONLY know how to use phone to call/answer. LOL! i top-up another 50 Baht for unlimited internet for a day. LOL!

Recommend this SIM card IF you just want to call back to your country

SIAM PARAGON - krispy kreme, smth that everyone have been looking forward to! LOL! Nice donuts!❤
SIAM night market - Just opposite SIAM PARAGON. Long stretch of stalls. Only bought a demin shorts @ 200baht. Headed back hotel at around 9.30pm while others have alrdy went back hotel much earlier than us to get themselves really for the night. LOL!

Funky Villa - This time round, all of us brought our passport along! Guys all changed to long pants and covered shoes. Didnt know they are so strict in the attire and A MUST TO SHOW PASSPORT. lol! I thought all of us look mature?! lOL

Cheap drinks - 2 bottles with lots of mixer at only 3300baht! =DD

Bangkok Day 4 (27 May)

Today itinerary is simple. I LIKE. ❤

Wake up in the morning, walked to Platinum Mall and pratunam market and shop till 4pm!! IKR! AWESOMEEEE~~❤❤

Asiatique after that! Cab to Asiatique is not easy, quite a number of cabby refused to drive us there =((
Have our dinner over there, pork chop at round 4SGD? lol! MY only regret for this trip is not being able to eat bird's nest! Asiatique's one is kind of expensive. =((

Their ferris wheel is expensive too! 3 rounds 10SGD! But their ferris wheel go in high speed! :O

Cab to Patpong for NARAYA! LOL! Not in the itinerary actually. Suppose to go to one night market but according to the cab driver, Night market for clothes/food is closed only have flower. SO is a last min decision to go patpong. LOL! Back to hotel early as THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG~ CLUBBING @ FUNKY VILLA - highlight of the day! LOL But all of us were rejected - fill the story in my next post! =P

Bangkok Day 3 (26 May)

Decided to go for this FAMOUS CREPES IN BKK named Crepes & Co for breakfast. It's a high rating crepes shop recommended by lots of bloggers. HOWEVER, i don't think it worth the effort to travel all the way to 8 Thonglor building, ground floor, 88 Thonglor Soi 8 just for this crepes.

We went there w/o making reservation and we had 13 of us. They wanted to reject us as they said they are fully booked, but after much talking with the manager, they decided to gave us a table and a sofa seat.

If you know me, you will know that i don't eat mayonnaise, tomato sauce, cheese, tata sauce, all kind of sauce except for chili sauce. LOL! So i've eliminated most of the crepes in the menu and decided to go for pork curry crepes and a cup of iced coffee. LOL!

I think it cost me around 10SGD for the breakfast. Kind of not worth it as i only eat the crepes as the pork curry dont go well with it or maybe its just not smth i like. Iced Coffee is nice! =DD

Went to Union Mall after breakfast. The last time when i went to Union Mall, we enjoyed ourselves, everything is CHEAP! But this time round, all the price seems to have increased! =(( No longer a place i would want to go again. (ANYWAY, if u have intention to go to union mall via cab, before getting down the cab pls LOOK at mall carefully! Seems like all the cabby like to drive tourist to JJ mall when we asked for union mall. we split into 3 cabs - 2 cab was brought to JJ mall! LOL!

An hour in Union Mall, and we are back to Chatuchak Market! =P

A group photo taken outside the Crepes shop

At the park beside chatuchak weekend market! 

Bangkok Day 2 (25 May)

Yes! It's Chatuchak market! How we get there? LOl! We actually train there! The last time when im in bkk, we basically taxi all the way. It's been quite long since i took a train in bkk. LOL! Something new! =DD
We are at Ratchaprarop and trained to Mo Chit. =P
This coin works like our ez-link card

Me and my cousin while waiting for train. 20mins for one =.="

Chatuchak market till 6pm then walked to the Talad Rot Fai night market which only open on weekend, VERY BIG! Lots of food, vintage items and bar. If only we have the time and energy, i think i would want to walk a bit longer. However, we went there after the whole day in chatuchak market. i've no more strength to continue in the old train station market =(( Cab back to hotel after then.

Room service is only for ppl who stayed in KC PLACE. Same price. 200baht, foot, neck and shoulder total of 45mins!