Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jeremy's son 1yr old party + house warming!

Its been quite a long time since i last met with Jeremy. Meet with Chee Leng at woodlands and head towards Jeremy's hse together as he only invited two of us from Hoshi. Jeremy's hse was really nice. Nice renovation =DD

They have ordered their buffet from stamford catering, to be honest. i Dont really like stamford catering's food. Their fish and chicken was too dry. Noodles as well. Tofu a little tasteless. LOL! BUT THEIR PRESENTATION IS GOOD.

Rating Food - 5/10
Presentation - 8.9/10
SAD TO SAY, ILL BE USING THIS CATERING FOR MY 21ST BDAY. i've booked chalet at downtown and im inviting my muslim friend. And downtown assigned HALAL catering is ONLY stamford. =(( Hopefully by then their food standard can improve! =

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