Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm back to work!

I'm back to work after my 18 days of leave! The first few days i just couldn't adapt to it and was looking forward for my off days. LOL! After 18 days is like after 18 yrs for me! LOL! I've forgotten most of my job scopes even some small little things that i've been doing for the past few months . LOL! With the help of my colleagues, i'm back to my standard of care now. HAHAHAH!

Oh yes! This is kind of sudden! I was away for 18 days. However i was being nominated as the STAFF OF THE MONTH! hahahhaha! Never had i thought of it! I guess they compiled with my august compliments? I'M SO HAPPY! =PP At least my hard work was being recognized.

Award ceremony~ *Drum rolls*
Thank you everyone for ur kind support. I would like to thanks my parents, my family, my friends, my colleagues, my sisters, my ward and my hospital. W/o u guys, I would not have made it! And lastly, not forgetting, i would like to thanks ananas cafe, 7-11, bengawan solo & kopitiam for their iced coffee that keep me awake and energetic everyday! LOLOLOLOL!

Due to some confidentiality issues, i've blurred and deleted some of the contents! =))

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