Monday, December 9, 2013

Movie the white storm!

YOYOYO! I'm gonna work for continuous 7 days! 3/7 checked! And then I'M GOING TO TAIWANNNNNN! Jealous?! HEHEHHES! Is there like air pollution there right now or what? My friend said so. >.<

Ytd went to watch "The White Storm", it's a very cruel show - That guy chopped off his own hand! :O But actually i quite like the show eh. LOL! Quite a nice story plot though some part don't really make sense. Some laughter was included too. I like. And that thai "girl"... REALLY PRETTY CANN! I CONFESSED! I'M JEALOUS! =DD

Anywayyy I bought another hair colouring deals - Hair Pod at Orchard Plaza, but i've yet to try. Supposed to go for hair colouring today at 4.30pm and i think i must be crazy to think that i can actually reach there at 4.30 when i only end work at 4? LOL. Called to inform that i'll be late like srsly, so appt was changed to wed! Excited to get new hair colour ehh! Going for something reddish brown this time round. Will do a review after!

PS: i've removed my blog's wallpaper. Find it ugly suddenly. =(( But decided to take a selfie today! LOL. #MYBIGFACE #MYBIGNOSE #MYBIGMOUTH #MYBIGHEAD #MYBIGEYES? LOL. I LOOK LIKE A GUY EH. OMG!

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