Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I am lucky to have them!

Went out with GH on a Sat for roller blade @ ECP~ IT'S LIKE ALMOST 4 YEARS since i last touched my blade?! LOL! I really enjoyed myself very much though roller blade had become a tough chore for me after 4 years. i am never good at it! HAHAHAH! I won't say that i've know GH for long, but the way we talk gave me a feeling as if we are some old friends. Just someone that i know i can behave like myself, like don really have to bother about my image. Went for K dinner after, I think this is my first time trying out K dinner, I didn know they served Manhatten Fish Market food! Rather worth which such a dinner served. $30 for 4hrs of singing plus a dinner. NOT BAD! But the aircon in Kbox, srsly need to do something. It's so cold!

Ohya! I won the air fryer from work! Some lucky draw for the move-in party! THE 6TH PRIZE! YAY!!
I got an awesome daddy who is always there for me. I went to collect my prize and it's pretty big. I have so much difficulties in carrying it and my sweet daddy came to my workplace and carried it home for me! <3

Tried out the air fryer today! And it's works! Cant believed that technology had become so cool that cooking no longer need oil! *CLAP CLAP* Really amazed with it! My fries was so well done that it's not even oily like those we eat outside? Thanks my company!

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