Sunday, April 27, 2014

Another family outing!

It's a Sunday again~ But this time round, im not OFF! i am working NIGHT shift! I need to sleep! BUT NO! I am so going River Safari with my family! Hahahaha! Using the corporate pass which entitled to 1 staff and 3 guest for the entry for free with boat ride! AWESOME TO THE MAX~ ikr! All we need to pay was just the carpark fees which cost us $8? If we would have to pay for the entrance fees of river safari and boat ride, it would have cost us $120++? SOOOOO WORTH IT CAN! Ooops. Sound so aunty. =.="

Actually, river safari should have combined with Singapore Zoo, to pay the similar amt for entrance fees, i think zoo worth it more, it's so much bigger as compared to river safari which can be completed within 2hrs? BUT I LOVE THE PANDAS! SO CUTE! SOOOOOOO BIG! HAHAHAHHA!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Busy BUSY BUSY to the MAX~

No joke! I have been really busy back then till i finished the last assignment of my sems and finally now waiting for exam! So i decided to spend my Sunday which i happened to be OFF with my family! And guess what we did?! Decided to be tourists in Singapore! HAHAHHAHA!

Having the cable car promotion for FOR POSB/ DBS, NTUC CARDHOLDERS & SINGTEL CUSTOMERS- We bought our tickets at only $15.60/pax! It's used to be $26 lo, which i doubt my mum will never want to waste the money on such a ride. But bcos of this promo, she was actually the one suggesting us to take cable car!
Family photo~

After the family outing, went to Ikea with friends! Going Ikea with the right person would be really good! We had so much fun in Ikea, all the way talking about beds, cupboard, mirror, kitchen and etc. Telling them how much i wanted my room to be like this and like that~ and them telling me how much they wanted their kitchen to be like this and like that in their hse. Oh yea, they are some chefs, that's why they LOVE kitchen so much. Hhahha! And me, rather lazy person, i LOVE my bedroom! HAHAHHA!