Friday, May 31, 2013

Bangkok Second round!

It's my second time been to bkk! Rather a diff experience. LOL. It's really depend on who you go with!

First time - Serene (BFF since secondary), her sister and sis's bf.

This time - My male cousin and 10 of his friends! and not forgetting my FRIEND SUET MIN! =P
You must be wondering why i need to go with my cousin and his friends? All thanks to my mum, she refused to let me go BKK w/o some MALE in the group. So i've no choice but to tag along, and be a burden of my cousin. LOL

Thankfully, his friends are nice enough to let us join them. Booking the same flight with them, we took jetstar this time round. It's my first time taking Jetstar actually, they are quite strict about putting hand carry SMALL bag under the seat when plane is about to fly while tiger airways simply dont bother. LOL

24 may - 7pm flight! LOL! Check in @5pm and went dinner with family. Meet my cousin at 6.30pm while his friend alrdy left the departure gate and are ready for boarding. LOL! So nice of my cousin yea? LOL! Basically we brisk walk all the way to the boarding gate. It's awkward when u're late and its first time seeing so many unknowns that u will be with for another 5 days? LOL!

Family Photo Before leaving

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