Thursday, November 28, 2013

Swimming After YEARS!

I've not been to swimming pool for a swim like YEARS! Yes. YEARS!

Went to mediacorp with mum to collect the voucher that she had won previously and i headed to EXPO for SITEX Show. Wanted to see if i'm able to find a cheap and worth camera, preferably Nikon. But... they are only selling J3. =.=" Where's the J1 or J2 that only cost $399 at the previous IT fair?! =(( I left SITEX show empty handed after travelling so far for. LOL!

Went home to take my swimming stuffs and meet up w Suet Min and Jess. There we go for a swim, wearing the swimming suit which i last wore at the aged of 15? LOL! But seems like swimming suit does not have trend so it don't get outdated. I LIKE! =DD

WOW! Now public swimming pool used ez-link to pay for entrance fees too! LOL! so cool right!

After the swim~

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A busy day~

It's my friend birthday and we decided to surprise her! We decided to have this small little colleagues gathering since months ago? LOL! And so we met up! Birthday girl was late and thanks for her being late, we have time to buy cake and decide on where to eat for lunch!

Conclusion - We ate in Eighteen Chef at Tiong and we got the Polar cake. Finding HALAL cake is not easy. I like the service by them, we actually requested to put our cake in their fridge and after our meal i thought they don't provide the service of bringing the cake to us. So i thought i will be the one holding the cake. But when i went to the counter and approach the staff, they are so nice, they offer to bring the cake there for me and even asked if we want birthday song to be played. And OF COS, things went on smoothly. =))

After celebration, went to find Ming for tea as promised weeks ago? LOL! At least i made an effort to squeeze out some time for meet up. A day that I've scheduled myself for.

After meeting Ming, i rushed to JP to catch "Catching Fire" with Jess. Still got part three..  Oh noooooo~ i'm gonna wait for it again! HAHAHAH! Dinner at JP, eating my favourite mini tom yam steamboat! <3

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dinner at Cuppage

Met up with poly clique! =DD And we decided to have dinner at the Japanese Ramen Stall, eh forget what's the stall name. Hehhes. The Char Siew rice was really awesome. And as usual, i'm not a fan of noodles so the ramen didn't attracts me. But i ordered a set which consists of ramen and rice. So i got to try both of it. Thumbs up for the rice! =DD Clique is incomplete w/o Esther & Miao~

Monday, November 18, 2013

Marina Barrage with Clique! =DD

Yes! Back to marina barrage again with different people! Kite session this time round! WE HAVE A LOT OF FUN LIKE SRSLY! We decided to have picnic still, i've brought along hotdogs and fries, sandwiches by Jess, Sushi by Ser, drinks and snacks by Ming and Yvonne. =DD

I got my kite from my bro! This is my first time flying kite - i've no idea how to do it? how to open it? and even the basic logic of flying kite. To go against the wind or to follow the wind?! LOL! All we did was, eat, sit and observe how people fly kite. It's DOES work okayy! LOL! And the most funniest thing was while eating, we have been there laughing at some people who didn't manage to have their kite fly up high, WHEN OURS CAN'T EVEN FLY! LOLOL!

It was drizzling the whole day but yet the crowd was still WOW! Had dinner at Satay By the Bay. Just a "atas" hawker centre with expensive foods which i don't find worth it at all! LOL!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Meetup with buddies~

OFF DAY! I'M LOVING IT~ hahahahha! Looking for cheap western? Alright with hawker? SO THIS IS THE PLACE! HAHAHAHAH! CLEMENTI HAWKER CENTRE!! =DD Chicken chop for only $4.50?! as well as chicken cutlet, pork chop and fish and chip. LOL! Food portion was alright for a full meal and taste wise was good too. I'll definitely be back again!

K session after meal. Kbox promotion of $11 for 3hrs of singing for their 11th Anniversary. How i wish they are only 1 yrs old. WHICH MEANS $1 for 3hrs of singing?! hahahahah! Fat hope. Yes. i know. LOL!

Close friends do stupid things together. =P

Good luck for my night shift tonight!!! I'm scare of my "suayness"! =((

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Awful day

1st working day post night! AND SRSLY SUCKY~ 5 BAD THINGS HAPPEN IN A ROW.
1. Get scolding from superior due to something which i don't think we should be blamed for.
2. Someone under me being rude to my "customer" - guess i'll get complain very soon.
3rd and 4th things i shall not mention- too difficult to explain. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST.
5. Some people are just not happy with the way i'm.

Damnnnn life! All sort of ridiculous things are happening to me! Seriously, people have to really understand us. Especially our superior! Lots of people choose to "HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL" to reduce their workload as well as to avoid scolding. But i just cant, it's like acting against one's conscience. We could choose not to see, not to report, not to do anything. We could pretend we didnt know and that's it! SRSLY! AHHHHHHH! WTS!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Relaxing at Marina Barrage!

It was an impromptu decision to have picnic at marina barrage. We've only came into this decision like a day before? LOL. And the best thing is - I'm on night on sat and we are meeting at 11am on sunday! LOL!

Dad and mum pick me up after my work and we went for breakfast at Ghim Moh Market. WAHH! A LOT OF AWESOME FOOD CANN, i wished i stayed nearby. Hhahahhaa! After eating, went to wet market to buy some fruits. I'm in charged to bring fruits for the picnic. HEHEHEHS!


It's my first time having picnic and i enjoyed it. =P We got ourselves a perfect spot with shelter as rain happened to pass by and we are perfectly dry? LOL! And what spoiled our day was actually the cleaner i supposed? He was wearing orange and he clear rubbish in the bin and i supposed he works as a cleaner?

Incident  - Wind get stronger, tissues flying around- BUT NOT OURS, as it's obvious that the tissues was "wet tissue material" and NONE of us has brought any wet tissue along. And this man walked to us and said "风很大,你们的tissue飞到那里,帮帮忙". Upon hearing that, we looked up at him and we wanted to say that the tissue don't belongs to us, however, before we could even open our mouth, he said: "是你们的啦,没有人料“。 SERIOUSLY! We are not upset because he asked us to pick up the rubbish, we are upset by what he had accused us on. WE DON'T LITTER!

Nevertheless, being good citizens, keeping the environment clean, we did pick it up. LOL. But somehow i do understand why he will have this kind of mindset, i'll explain in details - At around 2 plus? Crowd came, and true enough, wind blow plastic bags and tissues all around and people don't even bother to get it back. =(

Post night outing!