Monday, November 4, 2013

Relaxing at Marina Barrage!

It was an impromptu decision to have picnic at marina barrage. We've only came into this decision like a day before? LOL. And the best thing is - I'm on night on sat and we are meeting at 11am on sunday! LOL!

Dad and mum pick me up after my work and we went for breakfast at Ghim Moh Market. WAHH! A LOT OF AWESOME FOOD CANN, i wished i stayed nearby. Hhahahhaa! After eating, went to wet market to buy some fruits. I'm in charged to bring fruits for the picnic. HEHEHEHS!


It's my first time having picnic and i enjoyed it. =P We got ourselves a perfect spot with shelter as rain happened to pass by and we are perfectly dry? LOL! And what spoiled our day was actually the cleaner i supposed? He was wearing orange and he clear rubbish in the bin and i supposed he works as a cleaner?

Incident  - Wind get stronger, tissues flying around- BUT NOT OURS, as it's obvious that the tissues was "wet tissue material" and NONE of us has brought any wet tissue along. And this man walked to us and said "风很大,你们的tissue飞到那里,帮帮忙". Upon hearing that, we looked up at him and we wanted to say that the tissue don't belongs to us, however, before we could even open our mouth, he said: "是你们的啦,没有人料“。 SERIOUSLY! We are not upset because he asked us to pick up the rubbish, we are upset by what he had accused us on. WE DON'T LITTER!

Nevertheless, being good citizens, keeping the environment clean, we did pick it up. LOL. But somehow i do understand why he will have this kind of mindset, i'll explain in details - At around 2 plus? Crowd came, and true enough, wind blow plastic bags and tissues all around and people don't even bother to get it back. =(

Post night outing!


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