Monday, November 18, 2013

Marina Barrage with Clique! =DD

Yes! Back to marina barrage again with different people! Kite session this time round! WE HAVE A LOT OF FUN LIKE SRSLY! We decided to have picnic still, i've brought along hotdogs and fries, sandwiches by Jess, Sushi by Ser, drinks and snacks by Ming and Yvonne. =DD

I got my kite from my bro! This is my first time flying kite - i've no idea how to do it? how to open it? and even the basic logic of flying kite. To go against the wind or to follow the wind?! LOL! All we did was, eat, sit and observe how people fly kite. It's DOES work okayy! LOL! And the most funniest thing was while eating, we have been there laughing at some people who didn't manage to have their kite fly up high, WHEN OURS CAN'T EVEN FLY! LOLOL!

It was drizzling the whole day but yet the crowd was still WOW! Had dinner at Satay By the Bay. Just a "atas" hawker centre with expensive foods which i don't find worth it at all! LOL!

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