Monday, September 23, 2013

The day to Ipoh

The day to ipoh is also the day for William's farewell party. I was wondering if i should go for the dinner with my BIG HUGE backpack for my 3D2N trip to ipoh or should i just give it a miss. Feeling the lack sincerity, i decided to go for the dinner no matter what. LOL! Kind of careful while eating, im afraid i need toilet later on, avoided tea & coffee due to their diuretic effect. WE HAD OUR DINNER AT NANA THAI REST @FAR EAST. Foods there was delicious but yet is a little bit pricey. LOL! I LOST MY EZ-LINK before going to malaysia. daamnnnn~ MONEY FLY AWAY~~

Headed to meet Yvonne after dinner while waiting for ming at Chinatown, we made our way to golden mile tower! On a Thursday late night, i'm sitting outside golden mile tower with ming and yvonne waiting for our STARMART bus. 12mn at golden mile! MY FIRST TIME~! HAHHAHA! I'm ready for that 8hrs bus ride! Exciteddddd~ Toilet break was provided, something tat i've been looking forward to during the bus ride.

Reached Ipoh around 7+ in the morning! YAY! Calling our friend JJ to pick us up. He's damn cool can! W/o us calling, he is already at the bus terminal waiting for us! Having us missed our stop bcos the driver didnt tell us that Medan Gopeng bus terminal was closed and we have to tell him where we wanted him to drop us if not he will just drop us at their "selling ticket place". So our this dear friend, he have to drive behind the bus and see where the bus driver decided to drop us at. LOL! Basically, he was catching behind the bus and he was so glad that the bus driver was driving so slow that he still have the time to go to his car while he was already at gopeng bus terminal. LOL!

Clear blue sky greeted us at ipoh! =DD

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