Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fat die me! First day of AL @ 1 market!

Even since school started, i've yet to really enjoy myself. Even now! Like my annual leave, i need to stay home to complete my assignment! I swear i used to think that studying is just go school only what. Shouldnt be a problem! I was so wrong! I totally forget about HOMEWORK! ASSIGNMENTS! so yea! Keep that in mind if u wan to study part time and work full time!

Anyway! Back to the topic! Buffet with colleague at Plaza Sing. Spent like $30/pax on a buffet lunch. I won't say it really worth the money of eating it. Or maybe i'm just too picky on food that i actually didn't eat most of it. Definitely didnt worth $30! HAHHAHAH! But nevertheless, we enjoyed each other companions.

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