Sunday, February 9, 2014

I hate school work!

I'm damn busy recently like srsly! I hate it! Mon and tue went for class after work and i was pretty sleepy in class, spending money to get myself so tired just for a cert. But i need it eh! Haiis. LIFE! Lots of assignment due on Sunday 9/2/14 which is today! And i've test tmr, not a test for my degree but work. I've course on Tuesday which i've to study beforehand of the course to get the cert as well. AHHHHHHHHHHHH~

Though i am like so busy, but what they said was work-life balance. So i promised my friend to accompany her to support her friend for the lion men promo at thomson plaza ytd. Since we are there, i was hoping to see Charlie Goh. LOL! But he wasn't there! HAHAHAH! So basically i went there just to accompany my friend, she chase, i chase, she run, i run. She squeeze into the crowd, i move away from the crowd. LOL. Finally the whole event ended at around 4 plus! AND IT'S MEAL TIME! <3 Walked to upper thomson for meal! Some photos to share. I'm to lazy to edit it, so pls pardon me. =((

I was there okayy! LOL

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