Sunday, August 25, 2013

Brother Birthday Celebration

It's a Saturday! A birthday celebration for bro at KungFu Paradise at 8.30pm, bugis+. LOL! Yea, u might find it funny, a dinner that start at 8.30pm? lOL! Life = work. Cousin have work till 8pm! hahaha!

It's my first time meal-ing at Kungfu Paradise, a lot of people who i know mentioned to me that, it's not very nice, nothing special there. However, my brother strongly recommended their maggie noodles. So i ordered chicken chop noodles. AH HA! Guess what? It's REALLY NOTHING MUCH SPECIAL. I guess i could cook something similar or even better noodles at home. LOL! Chill-lax! Kungfu Paradise - a place to chill and have some wedges and fries is nice, but not for dinner.
My chicken chop noodles. $9++

After meal, it's time to go home!
Here come the joke of the day!
I was walking with my cousin otw out of bugis+, Happen to see this man giving out flyer, as usual, i'll take it. Upon receiving the flyer, i burst into laughter as i realised it's about wedding promotion, followed by the man asking us, ARE YOU GUYS DATING? LOLOLOL!!
I throw the flyer to my cousin to let him have a better understanding why that man asked this qns. LOL! I laughed and my bro who is walking behind us told the man we are a family. LOL!

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