Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nutella Blossom! Conjuring! Hair treatment!

Heyhey! Guess what?! Finally my Nutella Blossom is a success!! =DD
I make slight changes from the recipe that i got from MummyProperty!

3 eggs
170g castor sugar
3 tsp baking powder
275g cake flour
1 tsp condensed milk
100g of plain yogurt
40g of milk

You will see slight different if u compared with mummypropery receipe~! YAYYAYAYAY!!

Ohyea! Did i mention?! I FINALLY WATCH THE CONJURING! It's really hard to get Kaki (Partner) to watch tgt! Lots of my friend refused to watch horror. BEST HORROR SHOW that i ever watched. I like!
I like the storyline, i like the part that i was being scared. I was so glad that i watched the trailer before the movie! The part where she jump down from the cupboard was already known to me! HHAHAHA!

Rushing day for me ytd REALLY! hahahaha! i left home late. Suppose to meet friends at Blk 4 at 12noon. But i was late. SO I WAS RUSHING LIKE HELL! LOL! Srsly i'cant believed i was in the lecture listening to robotic surgery! LOL! It's was really good opportunity to get to watch video of surgeries and get to know about robotic surgery. HAHHAHAHA!  Wanted to catch the 5.05pm Conjuring at Vivo. Ended up we fail to make it and changed in plan. 7.20pm show at Cineleisure! Dinner at Lucky Plaza Ayam penyet Ria! LOL!

I NEED A HAIR TREATMENT + HAIR CUT! Look out deals for me!! hahahaha!

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