Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Last minute shopping for CNY clothing!

Went for CNY clothes shopping! And guess what?! i BOUGHT a dress at ONLY 5 BUCKS! And yes! 5 BUCKS! Srsly, i didnt even see if i can fit and i went ahead and bought it! LOL! i tried the dress upon reaching home and damn it! I macham look like a clubber and the dress is like stick to my body. No shape still wear this kind of dress. I DARE NOT! OMGGG.

Bought another two dress which i'm quite satisfied with! Total spend 45 bucks! YAY! If only bkk is peaceful now, i guessed spending 45SGD there i can buy like 4 to 5 dress?! LOL! oHHYA! My friend and i walked pass this shopping mall which is decorated with those awesome stuffs and it look pretty! The shopping mall was just beside far east!

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