Thursday, January 9, 2014

We, humans take things for granted

Covering two topics today...
1) Cancer
As above, we humans take things for granted. This sentence came into my mind when my lecturer actually said these: "You guys should be thankful that you all can pass out air, pass motion and etc". There are people who actually envy in such actions as due to illness they are unable to do so.

These are things that we don't appreciate and not realizing how impt it is. Colorectal Cancer being the number one cancer in Singapore maybe one of the illness that actually take away our ability in the above actions. So do watch out for signs and symptoms such as Per rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, change of bowel habit, abdominal bloating and nausea and vomiting. May everyone stay healthy! =))

2) University
Alright~ Rather long-winded eh. LOL. i don't know if i should be happy or what?! I'm like going to start school in like a wk time?! The last time since i'm in school was two years ago! TWO YEARS! And as usual, class = sleep. This habit definitely have to change! I'm not sure if i'm able to do it. But i will try. LOL!

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