Thursday, December 26, 2013

Taipei Day 3

Last day in Taipei, we decided to go to Taipei 101 there for Starbucks located level 35, at the same time for scenery. It was raining heavy but we have to take the RED LOVE photo - mission of the day! LOL
Managed to get the visitor pass up to Taipei 101's Starbucks. Guide from
After then, went back to Minsu area for last minute shopping! XIMENDING! LOL! And yes, as planned to have our lunch @ the Modern Toilet. Dad and mum seems to have enjoyed themselves very much in the restaurant. My suggestion - if u want to eat here, make it the first stop before shopping @ximending, they are always full house and expected waiting time will be around 40mins and they will give you a call once tables are ready. But we are consider lucky i supposed. We managed to get the seats upon reaching. LOL
Back to Minsu and grabbed our luggage after shopping at Ximending. Had a hard time looking for Taipei West Bus Station Terminal. Finally after almost an 40mins looking for the terminal, we finally found it!! LOL!
Kuo Kuang Bus to Airport DONT DEPART FROM HERE.
 It departs from here, the Taipei West Bus Station Terminal

Taipei Day 2

After a day in Taipei, i realised shops there don't really open very early. U will get to see all shops only starts to open at around 12mn? LOL.

Decided to have our breakfast at 阜杭豆浆店 (Nearest Mrt: Shandaoshi). Upon reaching there. OMG. The queue was SUPER LONG. All the way till almost the mrt station exit. LOL! So we gave up and have our breakfast at 永和豆浆油条 which is just a street away. Youtiao and soya milk taste was fine but definitely not the Xiao Long Bao. LOL! Not juicy at all. Quite fail actually. LOL

Trained to Taipei Main Station and bought the TRA ticket to & fro to RuiFang at $500NTD for 4 pax. Went there with seats allocated and back w/o seats. A very bad decision. Should have bough the tix to RuiFang and at RuiFang bought the return ticket upon reaching. Well. First time.

Cabbed to JiuFen Old street because bus is taking us too long! Waited for 10mins but yet to see any bus. 180NTD to JiuFen i think is absolutely reasonable. LOL

I like this photo eh. Very got feel. LOL
Headed to ShiDa NM after, ShiDa was rather a small scale NM but was quite crowded. I like the Big Intestine Mee Sua there! It tasted pretty awesome. I actually preferred this Mee Sua to Ah Zhong Mee Sua @ XIMENDING. LOL! i didnt have a photo of it, too busy eating. Fully recovered from food poisoning. The grill foods over @Shida was fantastic! The chicken was so juicy and tender. LOL!

Failed to eat hotplate steak the day before, so no matter what! I MUST EAT. Went into the shop @ Shida that actually have hotplate steak and of cos i ate it! LOL!  But Bro said ZIQIAN NM's one was nicer. =((
Self took Family photo on the train

Been and back from Taipei! Taipei Day 1

As i mentioned from my previous post, i should be in taiwan for 6D5N! TAICHUNG - HUALIEN - TAIPEI - TAOYUAN. But I was glad that dad and bro managed to go to taichung and hualien and have lots of fun there.

Alright, nevertheless, i enjoyed myself in taipei!! <3 I like taiwan! Really. Definitely i WILL WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN but of cos not during winter time. LOL.

Yupp yupp. i'll start from upon reaching taoyuan airport... Mum and i took the Freego bus from the bus station at the airport @140/pax to Ximen Mrt. Journey was around 50mins? And upon reaching Ximen, Dad and bro was already waiting for us at the meeting point! HAPPINESS~ LOL

Reached our minsu in like less than 5mins walk from mrt! I LOVE THE MINSU! IS PRETTY!! i love the design of the whole apartment. I WILL DEFINITELY CHOOSE TO STAY THERE AGAIN. AWESOMEEE! And hosts are really nice and helpful. =))

Have our first day in taipei spent at Dansui! Lunch at Ding Tai Fung - but really sad, just recovered from food poisoning with no appetite. I only ate a bit. Hais!
Headed to Dansui via mrt, I like dansui because there are ALOT OF TIE DAN! <3 and not forgetting Yu Su. Hhahahas! Due to winter time, sunset really fast. At 5pm, sky starts to turn dark. AND WE WANTED TO TAKE THE BOAT to Fisherman's wharf, however boat service was only till 5pm. LOL. We had no choice but to take bus 26 there. By the time we reached there, sky have turned totally dark. LOL

Have our night spent at Shilin NM w/o dad and mum as they think travelling the whole day was already very tiring and decided to give NM a missed. LOL. Due to my food poisoning, no appetite, i actuallysay NO to HOTPLATE STEAK! I DIDNT TRIED IT. CAN U BELIEVE?! Bro grabbed some foods at Shilin and i took a few bites. AND THAT'S IT! DAMN YOU FOOD POISONING! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I should be at TAIWAN now! =((

Book the flight intending to go taiwan with family on 18 dec to 23 dec! I TIO FOOD POSIONING ON 18 dec which cause me non stop vomiting and diarrhea. Felt so weak and dizzy. And BAD NEWS HAPPENED AT THE SAME TIME. Upon reaching airport, was about to get our boarding pass then! the person told us. MY MUM AND MY PASSPORT HAS LESS THAN 6 Months validity! WE CAN'T GO OVERSEAS! OMG. FML. I calculated it myself previously. Passport expired on 4 june next yr why cant?! In the end dec is also considered in the 6 mths. T.T

No choice, dad and bro went ahead to board the plane whereas me and mum went back home. And i had a terrible night! VOMIT, SLEEP, DIARRHEA, VOMIT, DIZZY... AND FINALLY IT'S MORNING. Rushed to ICA to get our passport done and was told that the earliest date they can give us is on 20/12/13, Better than nothing right?! ICA PERSONNEL IS AWESOME! LOL

Was approached by scoot airline personnel telling us that topping up to get a new ticket is equivalent to buying a new ticket, so he suggested us to go to taiwan tourism board to ask for special request to travel ASAP. Having myself suffering from food poisoning i've no mood in listening to what he said. All i want was to GO HOME. LOL!

I really donno if i should be happy. Imagine i was on board, non stop diarrhea and vomiting.  IT'S TERRIBLE. But i srsly regret listening to the scoot personnel telling us no point topping up and just go ahead to buy new ticket. THE THING IS THERE IS NO MORE TICKET. RETARDEDDDDD!

The earliest ticket we managed to get was sat 1am and reach taiwan 6am. WHICH MEANS WE WILL BE IN TAIWAN FOR LIKE ONLY 3D2N. =(( I NEED TO BE CONTENTED. AT LEAST. AT LEAST.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Serene! =DD

Spend my evening at Serene's birthday party @ The Sultan. The room was a little bit too small for a party but it's pretty. The party will be perfect if the room can be much bigger. LOL

Theme of the party was to wear something in solid colour. So i got myself a black dress! Eh, nth much to blog. Photos sharing time!

My Lovelies! <3

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hair Colouring @ Hair Pod

Hihih! I'm back with my red hair. LOL! As what i've mentioned in my previous post. I've bought the deal from for hair colouring at Hair Pod. AND IT'S REVIEW TIME!

First of all, and the most impt thing - OUTCOME! OBVIOUS? YES DEFINITELY. LIKE IT? YEA, SOMETHING NEW TO ME! 
Second - It's located at town area, walking distance from somerset mrt.
Third - Hair stylist is genuine. She treat you like a REAL customer of hers even though u came with voucher from deals. And to break the awkward silence she will actually start topics to talk to you which made you more comfortable.
Fourth-  SHE GAVE HER 100% to you! She covered my black hair roots well.

Limited available hair colours due to goldwell have stop some production of some colours.

Basically, i like the experience. Reaching there, being the only customer in the shop, having my hair stylist Kelly to give her 100% to me and at the same time sharing some tips of how to protect our hair.

And as usual, Deals = top up. In my mind, before i step into the shop. I WAS TELLING MYSELF. NO TOP UP NO MATTER WHAT. But still, when Kelly washed my hair and tell me that top up of treatment with machine is just 30SGD with colour lock ampule. I gave in and decided to top up. LOL! But i never regret topping up, my hair smell nice after treatment and smooth texture lasted for some days. AND NOT FORGETTING TO SHARE - I LEFT THE SALON COMPLETELY DRY WITH NOT EVEN SINGLE DROP OF WATER ON MY CLOTHES - THIS IS HOW METICULOUS SHE IS WHEN washing my hair. I LIKE IT! 

PS: my colleagues said my burgundy hair colour is nice! And some are keen in knowing where i did my hair! There you go~

TEL: 67381949

Red or Brown suit me more?!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Movie the white storm!

YOYOYO! I'm gonna work for continuous 7 days! 3/7 checked! And then I'M GOING TO TAIWANNNNNN! Jealous?! HEHEHHES! Is there like air pollution there right now or what? My friend said so. >.<

Ytd went to watch "The White Storm", it's a very cruel show - That guy chopped off his own hand! :O But actually i quite like the show eh. LOL! Quite a nice story plot though some part don't really make sense. Some laughter was included too. I like. And that thai "girl"... REALLY PRETTY CANN! I CONFESSED! I'M JEALOUS! =DD

Anywayyy I bought another hair colouring deals - Hair Pod at Orchard Plaza, but i've yet to try. Supposed to go for hair colouring today at 4.30pm and i think i must be crazy to think that i can actually reach there at 4.30 when i only end work at 4? LOL. Called to inform that i'll be late like srsly, so appt was changed to wed! Excited to get new hair colour ehh! Going for something reddish brown this time round. Will do a review after!

PS: i've removed my blog's wallpaper. Find it ugly suddenly. =(( But decided to take a selfie today! LOL. #MYBIGFACE #MYBIGNOSE #MYBIGMOUTH #MYBIGHEAD #MYBIGEYES? LOL. I LOOK LIKE A GUY EH. OMG!

Friday, December 6, 2013


Finally! We managed to watch 3 peas in a pod! It's like only left with three cinemas still showing?! Which cause YS and I have to travel all the way to tampines to catch the movie?! LOL! Srly! we made a lot of effort trying to watch this movie, both of us are just SO busy that we couldnt even get a common time. My off yesterday and her class only start at 3pm. And we watched 1020 show!! CAN U BELIEVE?! 10.20AM!? Which means i actually left home at 9am?! But still i'm late, and YS have to wait for me.
Indeed a twist in the story plot but i guess i'm just plain stupid to actually get the meaning of the movie. A little spoiler here: Which means Perry is gay? And Peter too? LOL! So Perry and Peter are gay and they like each other and just that they are afraid that one of them actually like Penny?

The one who always wait for me when i'm late. Sorry >.<

Teppanyaki Express

Basically i stayed out the whole day! After movie and lunch went to find ming for tea break. And i'm like loitering around from 5 to 7pm? Supposed to meet Suet Min at 6pm and she was late for like AN HR ++ ?! I DONT LIKE people who are late for more than an hr! My max waiting time is 1 hr and that's it! Actually, i am kind of pissed off but think to the point that she is late due to her work and not like she overslept or what. So she is forgiven. LOL. And i learnt something from her. There is this "stationary shop" named TYPO. Srsly! Been to somerset for numerous times but had yet to realise this shop existence. Ooops.

The one who made me waited for more than an hr. LOL. Ehh~ why my eyes one big one small? =((

Look stupid. Yes. I know.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Everything changes

Everything changes. People changed. And i hate the change. I wish time would rewind. No intentions to elaborate on what happen. It just sucks. Totally spoiled my day. i wished...

Ohyea~ Went to Cuppage Plaza (Gyoza no Ohsho Singapore 餃子の王将) for a meal with Yishi. Food was rather nice but place was rather small. LOL.  I went to Loreal sales! Bought back some loots! =P Bought rather little things this time round. Saving money for my camera! =D After Loreal sales, went to buy my camera!! HEHES! SOOOOOOO I BOUGHT SONY NEX 3N! =DD

Today went to Red Star Restaurant for Dim Sum in the morning and testing out my new camera! <3 It's a restaurant that we used to go with my grandma to celebrate mother's day. A traditional restaurant that have carts of dim sum being pushed around and I saw my favourite paper wrapped chicken so i thought of taking a photo of it when the waitress open up the paper. BUT damn! i was being scolded for taking her photo. LOL! I'm not taking her photo but the chicken in her hands. Nvm, anyway i deleted it to prevent any trouble.

I think pushing carts of dim sum is cool however, it's not possible during peak hours. Upon sitting down, carts that push passed us left with only few dishes (those not so high demand), high demand dim sum like egg tarts, porridge, char siew siu, har kow and etc never seems to come. Then we realised, people start crowding around those waitress who are pushing the cart and get their food from them instead of waiting for them to push to us. Food will never come unless u fight for it! LOL! This is what i felt.

It's very hard to get their attention. Getting them to refill our tea took us some effort too. Bringing the pot to them and get them to pour some hot water for us. =.=" Dim Sum are not as nice a last time. Char Siew Bun was hard. Porridge taste normal. Siew Mai.. ehhh. i don't like. 7-11 might taste better. Oops. LOL

Food - 5/10
Environment - 7/10
Services - 5/10