Thursday, December 26, 2013

Taipei Day 2

After a day in Taipei, i realised shops there don't really open very early. U will get to see all shops only starts to open at around 12mn? LOL.

Decided to have our breakfast at 阜杭豆浆店 (Nearest Mrt: Shandaoshi). Upon reaching there. OMG. The queue was SUPER LONG. All the way till almost the mrt station exit. LOL! So we gave up and have our breakfast at 永和豆浆油条 which is just a street away. Youtiao and soya milk taste was fine but definitely not the Xiao Long Bao. LOL! Not juicy at all. Quite fail actually. LOL

Trained to Taipei Main Station and bought the TRA ticket to & fro to RuiFang at $500NTD for 4 pax. Went there with seats allocated and back w/o seats. A very bad decision. Should have bough the tix to RuiFang and at RuiFang bought the return ticket upon reaching. Well. First time.

Cabbed to JiuFen Old street because bus is taking us too long! Waited for 10mins but yet to see any bus. 180NTD to JiuFen i think is absolutely reasonable. LOL

I like this photo eh. Very got feel. LOL
Headed to ShiDa NM after, ShiDa was rather a small scale NM but was quite crowded. I like the Big Intestine Mee Sua there! It tasted pretty awesome. I actually preferred this Mee Sua to Ah Zhong Mee Sua @ XIMENDING. LOL! i didnt have a photo of it, too busy eating. Fully recovered from food poisoning. The grill foods over @Shida was fantastic! The chicken was so juicy and tender. LOL!

Failed to eat hotplate steak the day before, so no matter what! I MUST EAT. Went into the shop @ Shida that actually have hotplate steak and of cos i ate it! LOL!  But Bro said ZIQIAN NM's one was nicer. =((
Self took Family photo on the train

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