Thursday, December 19, 2013

I should be at TAIWAN now! =((

Book the flight intending to go taiwan with family on 18 dec to 23 dec! I TIO FOOD POSIONING ON 18 dec which cause me non stop vomiting and diarrhea. Felt so weak and dizzy. And BAD NEWS HAPPENED AT THE SAME TIME. Upon reaching airport, was about to get our boarding pass then! the person told us. MY MUM AND MY PASSPORT HAS LESS THAN 6 Months validity! WE CAN'T GO OVERSEAS! OMG. FML. I calculated it myself previously. Passport expired on 4 june next yr why cant?! In the end dec is also considered in the 6 mths. T.T

No choice, dad and bro went ahead to board the plane whereas me and mum went back home. And i had a terrible night! VOMIT, SLEEP, DIARRHEA, VOMIT, DIZZY... AND FINALLY IT'S MORNING. Rushed to ICA to get our passport done and was told that the earliest date they can give us is on 20/12/13, Better than nothing right?! ICA PERSONNEL IS AWESOME! LOL

Was approached by scoot airline personnel telling us that topping up to get a new ticket is equivalent to buying a new ticket, so he suggested us to go to taiwan tourism board to ask for special request to travel ASAP. Having myself suffering from food poisoning i've no mood in listening to what he said. All i want was to GO HOME. LOL!

I really donno if i should be happy. Imagine i was on board, non stop diarrhea and vomiting.  IT'S TERRIBLE. But i srsly regret listening to the scoot personnel telling us no point topping up and just go ahead to buy new ticket. THE THING IS THERE IS NO MORE TICKET. RETARDEDDDDD!

The earliest ticket we managed to get was sat 1am and reach taiwan 6am. WHICH MEANS WE WILL BE IN TAIWAN FOR LIKE ONLY 3D2N. =(( I NEED TO BE CONTENTED. AT LEAST. AT LEAST.

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