Friday, December 6, 2013


Finally! We managed to watch 3 peas in a pod! It's like only left with three cinemas still showing?! Which cause YS and I have to travel all the way to tampines to catch the movie?! LOL! Srly! we made a lot of effort trying to watch this movie, both of us are just SO busy that we couldnt even get a common time. My off yesterday and her class only start at 3pm. And we watched 1020 show!! CAN U BELIEVE?! 10.20AM!? Which means i actually left home at 9am?! But still i'm late, and YS have to wait for me.
Indeed a twist in the story plot but i guess i'm just plain stupid to actually get the meaning of the movie. A little spoiler here: Which means Perry is gay? And Peter too? LOL! So Perry and Peter are gay and they like each other and just that they are afraid that one of them actually like Penny?

The one who always wait for me when i'm late. Sorry >.<

Teppanyaki Express

Basically i stayed out the whole day! After movie and lunch went to find ming for tea break. And i'm like loitering around from 5 to 7pm? Supposed to meet Suet Min at 6pm and she was late for like AN HR ++ ?! I DONT LIKE people who are late for more than an hr! My max waiting time is 1 hr and that's it! Actually, i am kind of pissed off but think to the point that she is late due to her work and not like she overslept or what. So she is forgiven. LOL. And i learnt something from her. There is this "stationary shop" named TYPO. Srsly! Been to somerset for numerous times but had yet to realise this shop existence. Ooops.

The one who made me waited for more than an hr. LOL. Ehh~ why my eyes one big one small? =((

Look stupid. Yes. I know.

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