Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dinner @ His.Tori

Wanted to go Swee Choon to celebrate my friend birthday! LOL! Been wanting to go Swee Choon. Train to Little India and when i googled, i realised Swee Choon closed on tue. =((

Last minute decision! We decided to go 2D1N korean bbq at TanJong Pagar for dinner! As usual, CROWDED. Wrote my name in the list and we walked further down the street.

WE SAW HIS.TORI! Korean Bbq, someone blog about this shop before!
Waiter or maybe the boss? was very pro-active in giving intro of their food!
He said these: "It's only $24.90NETT with free flow of icecream and soft drinks, we have 9 diff kind of chicken, and we have lots of other meat such as pork and beef."

HIS "FREE FLOW OF ICECREAM" attracted me! Walk in! Take a look! Table for 4 pls! LOL!



They have 6 flavour of icecream available! And also a bottle of chocolate syrup ( free flow) for the pudding. I've my icecream with that chocolate syrup! AWESOMEEEEEEEEE!❤❤ 

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