Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'm sad

Today is a REAL BAD DAY! Maybe i really don't suit my job, maybe is really time for me to quit, maybe i really have this bad luck thing on me. MAYBE. MAYBE. MAYBE.

Sometime, i think people are being too much, are being too demanding. They expect people to understand what are they thinking of, and have high expectation on others. IT'S WAY RIDICULOUS. i admit that im at fault for not doing what i should have done. I apologized. I'm very sure that i'm going to get scolding from my superior soon. WHAT TO DO? I'M JUST NOBODY.

I'm sad. But things wont change. I gave up. IT'S USELESS.

I've no mood to go out with my colleagues. But it was a promise that i gave days before. SO we went out for Korean BBQ at Oriental Plaza at Chinatown there. We paid $28nett/pax. I gobble down lots of food, hoping to forget what happen during work. Trying to relieve my stress by eating. But it's unworkable.

 I laughed. I smile. I joke. But deep inside me. I'm crying silently. 

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