Thursday, June 20, 2013


JEM! Finally! Went there with Joey! Been wanting to go since it open. =DD
I would said it's a place with lots of shops, a nice place to shop and eat. LOL! We had our meal at Sushi Tei as Joey have craving for Jap food. LOL! Next time i would like to go to the Lee's taiwan food. LOL! Seem nice. Handsome guys there too! LOLOL!

To be honest, i prefer HOSHI much more than Sushi Tei. I seldom eat Jap food, only when i worked in Hoshi during school time. Their yakiniku is freaking awesome as well as their buta shoga! I'll nvr forget the taste. Tried Sushi Tei's yakiniku =.=" nth special unlike HOSHI! ❤❤ But that was years ago, donno how it taste like now, hope their standard remains! =DD



Watch Man of Steel at Bugis! I like this movie. It's nice, i like the storyline =DD
Thanks to company. It's a free movie treat with drinks and tidbits! 
TO those who know what i works as, it's the safest movie ever uhh!


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