Monday, July 8, 2013

Feel like cooking!


When i was young, I LOVE DEEP FRIED CARROT CAKE - hardly you can find it anywhere in Singapore anymore. If i'm not wrong, only TPY have it now! I REALLY MISSED DEEP FRIED CARROT CAKE! SOOOOO I BOUGHT THE RAW CARROT CAKE FROM Sheng Siong cost me around $2.60! Cutting it into slices, and deep frying it! It's unhealthy.... yea.. i know... but... *cross fingers*

*DANG RANG* Though not as nice as what i've tried when i was young

And since i've alrdy deep fried this carrot cake. Thought of not wasting the oil! Decided to try again my salted egg yolk chicken! I've tried cooking this dish previously, quite successful! I LIKE! But as usual, i'll 偷工减料, as in, i won't follow the recipe completely. I'll minus some of the ingredients which i think is unnecessary! LOL! Anyway i got the recipe from Kitchen Snippets!

You must be wondering how com my salted egg yolk chicken look so different from hers?! HAHHAHAHA! This is totally retarded! I FORGOT TO ADD MILK IN! =.=" Taste powder-ish! LOL! And yea! i don't have curry leaves at home... SOOOOO YAAA! HAHAHAHAHH!


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