Saturday, July 27, 2013

Photoshop does wonders

It's a boring sat! I've been staying at home for the past few days to finish my korean drama! Thanks to Jessie who introduced me this awesome drama named "NINE"! After watching the show, it require us to think, to imagine and get the whole story. I googled, i read forum, somehow i still didn't get it. LOL! Any kind soul who actually understand the story? Pls tell me! LOL!

Ohyea~ i managed to drag myself out of my house on a Thursday night! Dinner at ION Itacho Sushi as a birthday celebration for my cousin WJ. I'm a person who don't eat sushi and raw food but i went for the meal. LOL! i' got myself a bowl of curry roasted chicken rice. AND my cousins ordered LOTS of sushi! Bill that cost $200 over for total of 5 pax. LOL! CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SUSHI-SSSS WE HAD ORDERD?
These are only part of the meal! CAN YOU IMAGINE! OMGGG~ 

Since today is a boring day, guess what i did?!
i learnt how to photoshop! <3
I actually get rid of the moles and acnes on my face and freckles on XB's using the Spot Healing Brush Tool. And applied this "digital foundation" on both our faces. NICE RIGHT?! IKR! =PP Ehhh.. but i haven learn how to put on blushes and lipstick yet. LOL! Wait okayy! 

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