Monday, July 1, 2013

Successful Interview?

Hello! =DD Recently i've applied the course in UniSim to become a social worker. (Bachelor of Social Work) And i went for interview today! I would said that i've srsly no idea did i even passed the interview. Being in my current career for a yr plus and changing to something else which is totally different, made others think that i'm a fickle-minded people. Like i does not know what i really wants.

But i really hope to get into this degree course and become a social worker to help others to solve their social issue. Aisehhhh! HAHHAHAH! But really la, i believed i'll like this field.

Today was actually a chaos day! I left home 10 plus thinking i can bus to SIM for interview. LOL! 1045! I'm still at Jurong when my interview is at 1115hrs! Fortunately, Singapore - smth that we are nvr lack of. TAXI! =DD Flag a cab. GUESS WHAT?! i reached SIM at 11am! WOW!!


Wish me good luck for the news of my interview in a mth time!

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