Sunday, July 7, 2013

Good day started with good news!

A day started off well!
Enjoying my breakfast with family after the LONG NIGHT SHIFT @ Tiong market. It's really nice of them to wake up early to pick me up from work and have breakfast together. Getting my brother to wake up early just for breakfast IS NOT EASY! <3

Home-ed after breakfast and IT'S SLEEPING TIME!
Woke up with GOOD NEWS!
❤ My AWESOME friend, XB had got me the memo that i need badly! Finally i can f/u on my appt! LURBB HER LOTS~ <3
❤ Received whatapps from cousin! MY BIRTHDAY BANNER IS DONE!! IT'S FREAKING NICE! My cousin is really talented! Need birthday banner? Customized? Maybe she can earn some pocket money just by doing this! =PP ❤ her! MINE IS FOC! =DD

Small preview to share! Photo of FULL BANNER WILL ONLY BE PUBLISH AFTER 21ST JULY! =PP

*Just being random* Like this!

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